Thursday, October 8, 2009


A key administrative division in our company is the Quality Control Division. In actual fact, our company operates on an organizational system that divides up any business into 7 different Divisions. A previous blog article has gone through, in a summary form, what each of those divisions are. In future articles I will detail each of those areas more closely and how they apply and can be used in any health care practice. In any case, as stated above, one of those divisions is the Quality Control Division. Any business, whether a health care office, a restaurant, a car dealership, IBM, etc. must have a Quality Control area of the company that inspects the products that are coming out and determine whether the products meet the quality standard expected and, if not, see that both the product and the product producer are properly corrected. This is a routine activity in our company.

I recently asked one of our quality control staff to summarize a recent client completion and thought I'd pass along this summary report to give any reader any idea of what we do with our clients. I hope you enjoy it.

Prior to coming to us, this client was aware of problem areas but he wasn’t confident that he had recognized the actual source of the trouble. The solutions he tried to implement were not resulting in the changes he wanted. He was overloaded with administrative duties, scheduling was inefficient and he was not monitoring his expenses closely which was creating financial problems.

After carefully examining and evaluating information about the practice, his consultant created a step-by-step plan tailored for him. One of the first areas addressed was his recall program. The consultant recognized that there was a “gold mine” that had not been tapped due to inefficiency and staff problems. A recall program was established which yielded results right away.

The second problem that was confronted was the doctor’s lack of case presentation skills. With more patients beginning to come in, it became vital for him to develop skills that would allow him to deliver all the treatment they needed. The consultant had the doctor do a specialized training program which teaches effective treatment plan presentation After working with the consultant for three months the practice’s gross income rose from an average of $50,000 per month to an average of $80,000 per month, with no increase in the amount of time worked.

While these situations were being handled, the doctor had his office manager take part in management training at Silkin. Since the doctor had been overloaded with administrative duties when he originally came to us, the increase in business would have created more work without a trained Office Manager. With training, the Office Manager was able to take over the day-today management of the practice. She implemented job descriptions for each position, got office policies in use, managed staff and ensured the scheduling was done correctly and efficiently. This reduced stress in the practice and greatly facilitated the doctor.

All of this client’s staff members have participated in Silkin training seminars and now perform as a cohesive, efficient team. The statistics of the practice remain in a higher range and the growth pattern has continued. He now spends less time in the practice and enjoys working without the stress he once had.

Based upon quality control interviews with the client and his staff we verified that he is a very, very happy client for the following reasons:
    a) his office is now well organized and efficient;

    b) he has a well trained Office Manager in place that handles the day to day administrative duties;

    c) he is working significantly less hours;

    d) has much less stress; and e) his personal income has greatly increased.

We welcome any comments. You can do so by clicking on the "comments" link below.

Larry Silver
President, Silkin Management Group

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