Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Silkin Management Group has helped accomplish significant growth for thousands of practices using marketing procedures that really work based upon results. As a follow up to our June 26 blog, here is another list of key marketing actions for a health care practice.

Our tailor made marketing programs include some of the basic techniques mentioned in these tips, but also include the "how to's" of each tip with template examples of most ideas presented. Our consultants develop surveys and questionnaires that health care practitioners all over the country have used to drive more new patients into their practices – and keep them coming back. As the number of patients increase, Silkin continues to provide management and organizational consulting that supports stable growth. This is accomplished by offering specialized administrative training for doctors and their staffs, job descriptions, office policies, organizational charts and much, much more.

Key Marketing Actions:

1. Research your market.
2. Create surveys for existing patients/clients.
3. Create surveys for potential new patients/clients.
4. Conduct surveys with both publics.
5. Tabulate survey results.
6. Categorize internal versus external marketing efforts.
7. Create a promotional calendar.
8. Reactivate past clients.
9. Prospect for new clients.
10. Create a referral campaign.
11. Begin new resident contact campaign.
12. Create/refine letters and promotional items for the practice (welcome letter, thank you letter, educational material, financial information, reactivation letter, etc.)
13. Address the appearance of the practice.
14. Upgrade practice signage.
15. Hold an open house for the practice.
16. Utilize web-based marketing and contact management.
17. Upgrade logo on business cards, letterhead, web site, etc.
18. Use newsletters for existing patients, referral resources and potential new patients/clients.
19. Create a practice brochure to educate, outline expectations and improve patient/client interaction.

I invite you to share any thoughts through our Discussion Forum at the Silkin Facebook Page BY CLICKING HERE.

Larry Silver
President, Silkin

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